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It's a harsh truth that cancer is never fair. But the undeniable reality remains: Medical science has discovered new ways to outwit cancer effectively managing even its most devastating forms through advanced treatment and exceptional care. And CARF firmly believes that by understanding and embracing the diverse needs of all those impacted by cancer, we extend our support to everyone.

Meet Eight-year-old Shivansh, son of Mr. Lalan Dubey from Uttar Pradesh, facing the most unimaginable challenge of his life.

Since December 2023, Shivansh has frequently exhibited unusual symptoms like high fever, weight loss, and tiredness. Despite undergoing treatment, his health continued to deteriorate. Subsequently, in pursuit of better treatment, the family relocated to Mumbai, staying with relatives. This led to hospital admission and a series of tests revealing Shivansh's battle with the rare blood cancer "Acute Myeloid Leukemia." The estimated treatment cost is around Rs. 5 lakhs approx.

Mr. Lalan, formerly a farmer, is unable to work due to Shivansh’s frequent hospitalizations. He tearfully implores, "I raised my son with boundless love, dreaming of his bright future. This cruel fate is unimaginable. I wish I could bear his pain instead. Please, I beg your generosity to save his life.” We at CARF earnestly request your compassionate support for Shivansh and his family to facilitate his treatment. Join us and be a part of Shivansh’s critical journey ensuring the treatment he desperately needs




 Baby Suruchi Pandey, 4 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer). Her treatment is going on in a cancer hospital in Kolkata and the cost of treatment is 2.5 lacs. Her father is unable to bear the said expenses and therefore he has approach

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Master Adesh Jare, 8 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer). His father Mr. Dattatraya Jare is a Pune based farmer. After few episodes of fever, Adesh’s father suddenly came to know that his child is suffering from cancer. The poor man

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Master Pankaj Vijay Sonawane, 6 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer), certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital in Mumbai. His family monthly income is insufficient and therefore cannot spend Rs. 4 Lakh needed urgently for his

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Master Atrikumar Sanjay Tilekar, 11 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Myeloid Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) and the best form of treatment for his ailment is chemotherapy followed by Bone Marrow Transplantation. His father, Mr. Sanjay Tilekar is a farmer in village in pune and was

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Master Vishnu Kande, 4 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital in Mumbai. His family monthly income is insufficient and therefore cannot spend Rs. 3.5 Lakh needed urg

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