

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has acquired new dimensions in the recent years. Today, companies are proactively taking up this good hearted investment and giving a social value to all their business endeavours.

In India, though corporate have a strong will to dedicate their resources for a social cause, they find it difficult to reach the right people considering the demography and diverse social problems of the country.

Cancer Aid & Research Foundation is one such catalyst that works towards the needs of poor cancer patients while helping corporates in investing in social initiatives. With the modes of partnerships like Payroll Giving and Sponsor a Cause, CARF helps corporate in strengthening their CSR programmes by letting them play a vital role in a life of numerous cancer patients who are eagerly waiting for the help.

We strongly appeal to corporate to come forward and join hands with CARF in saving thousands of lives from this dreaded disease and become our partner in this “Fight Against Cancer”.

Why should you corporate partner with CARF?

CARF is involved in two folds work viz. giving monetary & financial help to poor cancer patients irrespective of caste & creed and spreading awareness of cancer amongst the public. Awareness includes quarterly bulletin, CARF drive, screening of cancer film in schools, arranging lectures by eminent doctors on different type of cancers, etc. Over the period of 24 years, approximately 14233 poor and needy cancer patients were given help covering many hospitals all over India.

In the last 24 years, many cancer patients have been helped for treatments, but as every year passes by more and more patients approach CARF. They try their best to ensure a situation wherein they are able to help as many people in need. With the CSR funds they can create a cancer free society and eradicate the plight of the needy people.


Special features of the CARF

  • Funding and various services provided for cancer treatment, including Surgery, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy.
  • Cancer Awareness and education through CARF news bulletin, patients information leaflets and e-newsletters.
  • Counselling for cancer patients and their families
  • Recreational activities for cancer patients
  • Providing free Anti Cancer Drugs, Prosthesis and Instruments to needy patients
  • Providing career guidance and Rehabilitation for cancer patients and their relatives.
  • Organizing of Free Health Check up camps through their project Mission Sahay
  • Cancer hotline.
  • Cancer Research.
  • Anti-Tobacco and Anti-Cancer advocacy.
  • Free Ambulance service provided to cancer patients across Mumbai / Thane.
  • Screening of cancer based movies and Detection Programme.

Project Details


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Mission Sahay

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Cancer Patient Help

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