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Baby Jivika, a vibrant 5-year-old, has always been the joy of her family. In March 2024, their lives were shattered when Jivika was diagnosed with Pre B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a type of blood cancer. Once a healthy, active child, she now faces a tough battle with her illness. Since March 2

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We are reaching out to share the story of Master Ankush, a 4-year-old boy bravely battling Neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive cancer. Diagnosed on April 13, 2024, Ankush is undergoing intensive treatment at Wadia Hospital, including chemotherapy and surgery, to give him a chance at survival.

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Neetya, a joyful and healthy 5-year-old girl, was full of life and laughter until five months ago when she began suffering from severe abdominal and leg pain. Her parents, deeply concerned, sought medical help, only to be met with devastating news. Blood tests revealed dangerously low platelet co

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 "Life's greatest joy is to see your child smile, and our greatest pain is the fear of losing them."

Our hearts are heavy as we reach out to you in desperation. Our son, Satvik, is only 1.5 years old. Last September, we noticed multiple red spots on his face. Rushing to

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­­Life is full of surprises for all of us. However; we did not even expect the unexpected for our daughter. Our lives fell apart and our perfect world turned upside down when our 5 years old Baby Gouri suffered from “Pre B-cell Acute lymphoblastic leukem

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Master Viraj, just before his 3rd birthday celebration and about to embark on a journey of school going, became sick and started getting worse day by day. On investigations, it was diagnosed that Viraj is suffering from acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Pre

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Master Aman, a 2 year old chubby child is diagnosed of Acute lymphoblastic Leukaemia (Blood Cancer). He has been advised Chemotherapy for a duration of  2½ yrs. and the approx. cost is ` 4 lacs. His father being a poor Farmer with a family

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    Baby Ayushka, is suffering from Pre-B Acute Lymphoid Leukemia (ALL) (a type of blood cancer). At present for this ailment mismatched related allogeneic Haploidentical BMT is the only life saving curative option. The approx. cost of the treatment is Rs. 26 lacs. Her father being a dr

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      When cancer strikes, timing is crucial. Master Harshit, a 5 year old bubbling school going boy is diagnosed of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (a type of Blood Cancer). He has been advised Chemotherapy & supportive care which will continue for 2-3 yrs and the approx. cost fo

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  Baby Saumya, a 2 yrs. old innocent child is suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (a type of blood cancer). She is undergoing Chemotherapy and will need 2 months more of IV therapy and 2 yrs of oral therapy.  The total estimated cost of treatment would be around Rs.2 lacs.  

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  Baby Angel was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (a type of blood cancer) just before she turned five. Millions of people live below poverty line and Baby Angel is one of them. She was diagnosed on 24th January, 2017 and the doctors have advised chemotherapy & other supporti

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