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Join Us in Giving Hope and Healing to Parv's Fight for Life! Meet little Parv, a bright five-year-old who could be exploring wonders in his little world,  enjoying his childhood. But sadly, he is facing the most challenging journey of his life.Since November 2023, Parv began exhibiting concerning symptoms such as recurrent cough, weakness, and weight loss, followed by swollen lymph nodes across his body. Despite undergoing prescribed treatments, his health continued to worsen. Further tests confirmed a devastating diagnosis: Parv has “T Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia”, a rare form of blood cancer. The only hope for a cure is chemotherapy and supportive care costing Rs. 6 lakhs approx.Parv's father, Maulik , previously a typist in Junagadh, can no longer work due to Parv's frequent emergencies and hospitalizations. The family has relocated to Mumbai seeking better treatment for Parv. They have exhausted all their funds in his treatment so far, leaving them without resources to continue his further care. Parv's family urgently needs our support.Through our collective compassion, we can reshape the future for little Parv. Will you join us in this noble cause?Come let's stand together for Parv and his family providing them with the vital hope and healing they desperately seek. Support now!




“I, Girish, hereby request the humble support to all compassionate souls reading my appeal to save my son Master Shivansh. It was an emotional journey, a beautiful blend of joy, excitement and vulnerability when we became the first time parents. Still we remember the anticipation of holding

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“As a mother, I can say that motherhood is a journey that defies description. The journey of motherhood is not just about giving birth; it's about giving life in every sense of the word. From the moment I held my son Khemraj in my arms, I discovered the nuances of motherhood. I learnt t

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Meet our little patient Shubham. This seven year old warrior is bravely battling a rare life-threatening condition “Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)”. We are urgently seeking your support to enable Shubam to receive the life-saving treatment he desperately needs.


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I, Dhirendra, plead to you today with a heavy heart, seeking your support and generosity in helping me to save the life of my son – Master Aman. Parenthood is a thrilling blessing that fills our hearts with joy. Watching our children grow each milestone becomes a treasure for us. Our elder

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“Becoming a parent is an incredible journey that forever changes our lives. From the moment our little boy was born, our hearts were filled with an overwhelming surge of unconditional love. Our hearts overflowed with love and happiness. We witnessed his first steps, heard his contagious lau

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“My little son Tanmay is very brave and strong from birth. He is an overload of cuteness with adoring eyes. I was in tears of joy when I first held my only baby boy. Everything went well  till Tanmay turned 5 months old, then his health started to fail, which led us to the tears of con

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“My name is Abhishek. I hereby plead an urgent appeal to save my six year old daughter Baby Smira Pujari, with a hope that these entire efforts will give her the desired treatment and a speedy recovery. My daughter Smira is a brave little girl. She is an angel. She has a very good heart and

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Ten year old Master Rajveer, diagnosed with “B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (a type of blood cancer).” Rajveer's family is currently facing a tough battle as they navigate his treatment, which involves chemotherapy and other medical interventions. As you can imagine, this is

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“We were more excited and in abundant joy, when our son Yash was born. We felt that moment god has poured his blessings on us, with a true meaning to our life. Watching him grow up and doing new things every day, made our times always brighter. But our happiness did not last long, as it all

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We request your generous support for treatment of our patient Master Shivam diagnosed of “Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (a type of blood cancer).” The estimated treatment plan will cost around Rs. 4 lakhs approx. Shivam’s parents are struggling everyday to save his life wit

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“I, Appasaheb , hereby plead for your urgent support to provide my son Devansh with the desired treatment to outlive his critical illness. Our elder son Devansh filled our lives with happiness and endless joy ever. He is the best child, responsible brother, a brilliant student and a best fr

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