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I am Vikas, reaching out to you with a plea that comes from the depths of a father's heart, seeking the necessary support to obtain the desired treatment for my beloved nine-year-old daughter, Samruddhi.

Our journey as parents began with dreams of joy and excitement, anticipating holding our little angel Samruddhi for the first time, marking the beginning of a beautiful chapter. However, our once joy-filled life took an unexpected turn when Samruddhi began falling sick since September 2023. Initially, she complained of leg pain and we noticed a swollen lymph node. Following our doctor’s advice, after blood tests and sonography, ruling out certain possibilities, we proceeded with a biopsy, which revealed a diagnosis of "T-Acute lymphoblastic leukemia," a type of blood cancer. Despite our unwavering hope and the dedicated efforts of medical professionals, Samruddhi's condition has deteriorated, leaving us with only one ray of hope - a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) with post-care treatment, worth Rs. 28.10 lakhs approx.

We are from Kolhapur, where I was occupied as a farmer. Relocating to Mumbai for Samruddhi's treatment has further strained our financial resources, leaving me unable to work as I tend to her frequent emergencies and hospitalizations.

In these desperate times, I seek your kindness and support through the Cancer Aid & Research Foundation (CARF). Your generosity can be the lifeline for my daughter and help her to reclaim her joy and innocence of childhood that cancer has stolen from her.

-Mr. Vikas, Father of Samruddhi




Eight years old Master Rudhra, who desperately needs your help. He is struggling to live every day, being diagnosed with a type of cancer - “Ewing Sarcoma.” Having exhausted all their savings, Rudhra’s parents can’t afford further an urgent treatment worth Rs. 6 lakhs Appr

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“On 26th January 2013, our little girl Hetvi came as a blessing in our lives. We felt like we were blessed with Lakshmi Mata herself. She definitely filled our hearts and our lives with endless joy, which made us, feel over the moon.  Our world turned upside down during November 2015,

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“I, Dilwar, hereby seek an urgent support from the people reading my appeal, with a rising hope that the entire efforts will give my 4-years-old son - Ajinkya needed treatment and a speedy recovery. Our son is the best child we could have hoped for. Thinking about the imperishable moments w

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"Our daughter Pratiksha is the precious part of our life. Since she joined our family, our days were always brighter watching the cuteness of her tiny arms, little fingers & toes and rosy cheeks. But now we truly worry, will we have her in our life forever. As a poor family, we did not h

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I, Hanumant hereby plead for your compassionate support to save my daughter Pranjal’s life. Right from birth, our new born’s condition was far from normal, as she frequently fell sick with recurrently high fever, pneumonia, weight loss and swelling over the body. Even after undergoing

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Our son Asad gifted us with the wonderful feelings of the world, when we became first time parents. Being our eldest child he brought immense joy to our family. Each day of our life have made the bond stronger with his growing age. He has become a part of our life that we can never afford to lose

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I Biswajit hereby plead for an emergency help to the people reading my appeal with a hope to save my daughter in getting the desired treatment and recover her health. Rishita is a blessing for us as we waited for long years to finally be blessed with a baby girl. Ever since we became parents,

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Since 2021, Abhay began falling sick very often with recurrent high fever, weakness and increased platelet counts. Despite of undergoing with prescribed medication, had no effect on his health. Thereafter, by doing multiple tests including BMT, it was revealed that he had a rare type of cancer kn

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 My name is Baswraj. I plead to the people reading my appeal with a hope to save my son and help us in getting him desired treatment. Remembering the past memories. When our son kartik was born.I was overjoyed and excited to hold firstmy baby boy. He was born normal and healthy. Everything s

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Meet my 5-year old son - Vidan. Since December 2021 he started falling sick with never-ending fever and cough. Despite of undergoing the prescribed treatment, it still persisted. Thereafter, with further medical investigations, the doctors revealed that Vidan is suffering from “Acute Myeloi

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Our elder son Shravan is truly a blessing for us, as we waited for long to finally be blessed with a baby boy. All we wanted was our small happy world and after Shravan’s arrival, our son entered our life fulfilling all our dreams. We were so engaged with our children, right from watching t

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