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"Life's journey, fraught with peaks and valleys tests everyone as they steer through adversity. Amidst unexpected hurdles, trials intensify, but shared compassion always lights the path for tomorrow. Meet Balaram, son of Gopal , a laborer struggling to support his family of four. Currently the family is passing through the most formidable challenge of their life.

Since December 2023, five-year-old Balaram has endured recurring illness, battling persistent high fever, fatigue, and relentless headaches. Having bravely conquered a rare cancer "B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia" initially at the age of 3 years old, he now faces a relapse of the same disease. According to compassionate doctors, the sole remedy to save him is a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) treatment, along with post-care worth Rs. 20 lakhs approx.

In a heartfelt plea, Balaram's father implores, "Having gathered courage, we have exhausted all our resources in Balaram's prior cancer battle. Currently, we confront financial and mental struggles, pleading for timely access to save our son's life. Please help us.”

- Mr. Gopal, Father of Balaram  




 11 years old Master Chandan a school going child is suffering from Allogenic Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (a type of Cancer) since Nov. 2007. He successfully remitted from this disease but was under regular check up & maintenance. Suddenly he developed problems again and on investigations he

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 In September 2016 Master Nilesh, a school going boy was detected suffering from Hodgkin disease (A type of Cancer). The doctors had advised him OPD/IPD treatment for approx. 1 year & special procedure for Hodgkin disease treatment duralin 8 months.  The estimated cost of medical tr

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 Master Shreyas, a 7 year old boy is diagnosed with Burkitt Lymphoma (a type of Cancer). He has been advised to take 8 cycles of Chemotherapy costing Rs. 10 lacs. approx. His father is earning around Rs. 8000/-p.m. and this huge burden of his son's treatment is impossible. His father has

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 6 yrs.old Master Sachin, is diagnosed of Pre B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia inter- mediate type (a type of blood cancer). He has been advised IPD treatment for approx. 3 years + Chemotherapy.  The treatment cost would be approx. Rs. 7 lacs. including investigation, medicines & spec

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 Master Malhar, a 4 yrs. old child is suffering from Pre-B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (a type of blood cancer) for which he will require hospitalization of approx. 1 year with special procedure on Incision & Drainage and Medication. The approx. cost of the treatment would be Rs. 2

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 Master Rahul, a 3 yrs. old innocent child is suffering from Metasatic Wilm’s Tumour.  He has been advised Chemotherapy and Supportive care for which the estimated cost of the treatment would be approx. Rs. 1.5 lacs.  His father is a farmer by profession and the plight of our

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 This is the story of an amazing little boy named Adarsh – battling with childhood cancer. On 14 October, 2016 little Adarsh celebrated his birthday. It was a bittersweet moments for his parents.  For the past few months, they are watching their beautiful baby boy, receive treatme

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 Master Rihansh, a year old child is presently suffering from chronic Granulomatous  Diseases (a type of blood cancer).  The only curative treatment is Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant as suggested by doctors and the estimated cost is approx. Rs. 20 lacs.  His father works as

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 Cancerous cells are also called malignant cells. They grow and multiply out of control and may even spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. This disease can be treated and cured, but sometimes it can re-occur & may come back again in the same patient.  An 11years old schoo

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 Major diseases bring anxiety and worry. Cancer is one such disease, but if detected and diagnosed at preliminary stage, it can be cured with appropriate treatment. The main hurdle of this disease is the cost of the treatment. It is so expensive that the common m

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 A few months back, Baby Arpita, an 8-year old innocent school going child had a setback.  She suddenly developed fever and due to her fragile health, she deteriorated rapidly. On medical investigations it was diagnosed as Osteosarcoma of right femur.  Doctors have advised for Biop

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