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In a world where life unfolds differently for every family, we encounter stories that remind us of the unequal challenges some must face. Little Baby Nirvi, who is just at her tender age of 3.6 years old, her journey is one such poignant tale.

During last December 2022, the little world of Baby Nirvi and her parents took an unexpected and agonizing turn. It began with frequently high fever, tiredness, loss of appetite with weight loss, leaving her parents deeply concerned. They have been taking the treatment for Nirvi from their regular pediatrician. However, despite their best efforts, Nirvi's health continued to deteriorate. Then, they were asked to pursue a blood test. Ruling out certain drastic changes in her blood test reports, they were suggested for BMT test by the examining doctors. Nirvi's BMT reports unveiled a harrowing diagnosis of a rare blood cancer "Pre B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia," leaving her helpless parents in a state of shock and disbelief. The estimated cost of her chemotherapy & other supportive treatment is worth Rs. 3 lakhs approx, which her family cannot aford.

Baby Nirvi's father, a humble salesman at a clothes showroom, earns a meager income that is barely enough to sustain their family's daily needs. The family has exhausted all their resources in Nirvi’s treatment so far.

In endearing words of her father, “When our baby graced our world with her first cry, that was a moment of pride and gave us the feeling of pure love for us. A father's bond with his daughter is lifelong and forever, it only deepens with time. My heart aches fearing that I may not to be able to meet my daughter's treatment expenses in time to preserve our happiness.”

Cancer Aid & Research Foundation (CARF) humbly requests your generous support for Baby Nirvi in getting the desired treatment. Let your generosity shine bright and be the beacon of hope that guides the little one and her family through this challenging journey!




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