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I, Manohar reach out to you with a heavy heart seeking an urgent help to secure the desired treatment for my son Master Vedant, giving him a chance at a meaningful life. The moment we were blessed with Vedant, an overwhelming sense of love and joy filled our little world. In this profound journey, I always dreamt to see him happy, healthy, and empowered to chase his own dreams. Little did I know that this joyful chapter would soon be overshadowed by the darkest of clouds. At the tender age of 6 months, our world crumbled as Vedant was diagnosed with a rare form of blood disorder – “Thalassemia Major.” Since then, it’s over 13 years; Vedant’s Journey has been marked by painful treatment composing of monthly blood transfusions and medications. It happened during our last checkup after performing certain medical tests, the examining doctors have informed us that, his only chance at a life lies in a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) costing a substantial amount of Rs. 38 lakhs approx, which is too far beyond our reach. Earlier, I worked as a painter, earning modestly to support our family of three members. Currently, due to Vedant’s frequent medical emergency and hospitalization, I am unable to work. We are racing against time to secure the funds needed for his BMT. In this critical moment, I turn out for your compassionate support and strongly believe your kindness can bring back the hope and joy, that has been stolen from our family. I plead for your generous support through Cancer Aid & Research Foundation (CARF) to save my son's life."

- Mr. Manohar, Father of Vedant





Master Prakhar, 6 years old, is presently suffering from T- Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital. His family’s monthly income is insufficient and therefore they cannot spend the sum of Rs. 6 lacs needed urgently f

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Baby Diptimayee, 5 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Doctors after conducting necessary medical investigations have diagnosed her disease as a case of blood cancer and advised this child patient to undergo chemotherapy treatment at regular intervals. In addition

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Baby Kadambari, 2 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a 2 year old girl is suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (a type of Blood Cancer). Doctors after specific medical investigations have diagnosed the disease as blood cancer and advised her to undergo che

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Master Vishal, 5 years old, is presently suffering from Hodgkin’s Lymphoblastic Cancer, (a type of Cancer). He has been advised by doctors to undergo chemotherapy along with surgery. His father being an ordinary labour with meagre income cannot bear huge expenses for total cancer treatm

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Master Soma, 8 years old, is presently suffering from T- Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital. His family’s monthly income is insufficient and therefore they cannot spend the sum of Rs. 6 lacs needed urgently for

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Baby Khushboo , 7 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer)Doctors after verifying the medical investigation reports have diagnosed this child patient as the case of blood cancer and advised her chemotherapy followed by maintenance at regular in

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Baby Suparna, 4 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer). Doctors have diagnosed her as a case of cancer and advised chemotherapy treatment at regular intervals. Her father being a labourer with limited income cannot afford to bear expensive ca

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Master Nayan, 14 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer). Doctors have diagnosed this patient as a case of blood cancer and advised him chemotherapy at regular intervals. His father being a farmer with limited income cannot afford expensive ca

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Master Soumya, 1 years old, is presently suffering from E RMS - Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma, (a type of Cancer). Doctors after medical investigations diagnosed him as a case of cancer and advised him to undergo chemotherapy treatment for a period of one year. His father being a grocer with limited

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Master Parth, 3 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer). As advised by the doctor he is receiving chemotherapy in a hospital.There after the patient will be on maintenance therapy by undergoing cancer treatment at regular intervals. His father

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Master Rajnish, 7 years old, is presently suffering from Medulloblastoma (Brain Tumour), Doctors have advised him three modalities of cancer treatment i.e. chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. His father Mr. Ganeshkumar being an ordinary labourer with limited income cannot afford expensive can

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