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“Once we were a happy family and we felt both our daughters as the blessings of our little world. With the arrival of our younger daughter Orelia our life became brighter than before and we thanked God for gifting us both our angels. Sadly, things took a drastic turn for my younger daughter Orelia since past two months, as she started exhibiting certain unusual symptoms such as recurrent high fever with Arthritis. Despite of taking IV fluids and prescribed medicines did not impact her health. Therefore the examining doctor suggested further blood investigations, in which it was reported of decreased hemoglobin and platelet counts with an increased WBC count. After an MRI scan, we couldn’t wrap our heads around the fact when our doctor revealed to us that Orelia is battling for her life, diagnosed with a type of cancer “Pre – B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.” Despite collecting all our savings and other borrowed funds, yet we are unable to meet her treatment estimate of around Rs. 5.50 lakhs approx. I am an Auto-driver and our family of six members survives with my meagre fluctuating income. At times, due to Orelia’s medical emergency, I am unable to work. We have no other source of income to arrange this crucial sum for her treatment. Our family survives in a very economically challenging situation to meet the house rent, daily needs with higher education of the elder daughter, on top of Orelia’s ongoing treatment. It pains me a lot, that if my baby will never return without timely treatment then, I will never be able to forgive myself for my inability to arrange funds for her treatment. Please generously support my angel who struggles with every chance with life through Cancer Aid & Research Foundation (CARF).”





Master Pankaj Vijay Sonawane, 6 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer), certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital in Mumbai. His family monthly income is insufficient and therefore cannot spend Rs. 4 Lakh needed urgently for his

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Master Atrikumar Sanjay Tilekar, 11 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Myeloid Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) and the best form of treatment for his ailment is chemotherapy followed by Bone Marrow Transplantation. His father, Mr. Sanjay Tilekar is a farmer in village in pune and was

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Master Vishnu Kande, 4 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital in Mumbai. His family monthly income is insufficient and therefore cannot spend Rs. 3.5 Lakh needed urg

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