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We always felt our life has become brighter with the arrival of our younger son Swarup and our children are our strength of our little world. But sadly we were wrong, our younger son Swarup is completely dependent on us and seeing him in pain has become unbearable for us. We wish we could take his pain, but there is nothing we can do to help him,” sobs the poor parents of Swarup in disappointment. Little Swarup started falling sick frequently right from 2 months after his birth. He suffered with recurrent high fever, severe body ache & weight loss. The parents took him to the pediatrician and did their best to alleviate his sickness, but as of such there was no improvement with the suggested treatment plan. Ultimately, during August 2021, Swarup was rushed to the hospital and thereafter performing multiple medical tests, it was revealed to the parents that he is suffering from a rare disease known as “Severe combined Immuno deficiency (SCID)” and that made the parents anxious about his worsening condition. So, they gathered all their savings with borrowed funds and took multiple loans at high interest rates, then, as advised by the doctors, they went for the only   curative treatment of “T-deplete haplodentical transplant” of the child, which was performed successfully. But unfortunately, before they could get a sigh of relief, again during February 2022, the child started experiencing more painful complications than ever. Further as per the doctors, the child needs prolonged hospitalization to outlive these deadly post-transplant complications. Having exhausted all their money so far, Swarup’s parents are running short of approx Rs. 11 lakhs required more to cover the estimated treatment cost that can save their little son. Basically the family belongs from Jalna. Mr. Mahadev was a farmer and the family lived with his petite agricultural income. But, as of now they have shifted to Mumbai for Swarup’s treatment and are staying in a rented house. Currently they have no other source of income to arrange this crucial amount. Also, the family survives in a very poor condition not even able to meet their house rent, daily needs, education of elder son who stays with grandparents, on top of Swarup’s ongoing treatment. Swarup’s condition is worsening at an unprecedented rate, And the distressed parents need your help!




Devsu, a lively 4-year-old, has been suffering from severe neck pain for months. An MRI revealed he has Ewing Sarcoma with Tracheostomy, requiring immediate surgery and chemotherapy, costing Rs 4,50,000. His father, Chandan, a laborer, cannot afford this staggering sum despite his tireless effort

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We urgently seek your support for Devansh, a precious 9-month-old baby battling Neuroblastoma. Seven months ago, a high fever led to a devastating diagnosis, and now he needs lifesaving chemotherapy costing Rs 2,50,000. His father, Ajinkya, a humble farmer, is heartbr

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Life is precious, and as a father, I’ve always dreamed of a bright future for my 3-year-old son, Ankush. A month ago, when Ankush had a high fever, I thought it was a minor illness. But when the fever returned with greater intensity, we were devastated to learn that our little boy had Neuro

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Meet Baby Parthvi, a 9-month-old girl whose innocence is eclipsed by a grave illness. A month ago, her parents discovered a stiffness in her abdomen, revealing Bilateral Wilms' Tumor, attacking both her tiny kidneys.

Driven by love, Parthvi's parents journeyed from Nagpur to Mumba

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Life's uncertainties touch us all, especially when our children are affected. In such challenging moments, CARF has always offered kindness and comfort to many families, reminding them they are not alone in facing life's trials. As we share in the journey of little Ansh Yadav, let's b

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Join Us in Giving Hope and Healing to Parv's Fight for Life! Meet little Parv, a bright five-year-old who could be exploring wonders in his little world,  enjoying his childhood. But sadly, he is facing the most challenging journey of his life.Since November 2023, Parv began exhibiting c

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My beloved Baby Tannavi, a brave and cheerful 10-year-old, has been diagnosed with Pre B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a type of blood cancer. She needs immediate treatment costing ₹3,50,000, a sum that is beyond our means.

We are reaching out to you, o

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CARF consistently stands with those striving to support themselves by providing essential assistance at the right time. We firmly believe no challenge in life is too great when we face it together. We stand with 1.9-year-old little Anurag and his family as they navigate this challenging phase of

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I am Vikas, reaching out to you with a plea that comes from the depths of a father's heart, seeking the necessary support to obtain the desired treatment for my beloved nine-year-old daughter, Samruddhi.

Our journey as parents began with dreams of joy and excitement, anticipating hold

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It's a harsh truth that cancer is never fair. But the undeniable reality remains: Medical science has discovered new ways to outwit cancer effectively managing even its most devastating forms through advanced treatment and exceptional care. And CARF firmly believes that by understanding and e

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This is Baby Swara, a seven-year-old little girl, facing a daunting battle against unexpected fate. In December 2023, Swara struggled with severe stomach pain, digestion problems, and persistent high fever. Despite undergoing prescribed treatment, her health deteriorated. Then, her parents were a

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