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“I, Shyam, hereby seek an emergency appeal with a hope to save my 2.5 year old little son Master Reyaansh. Our son has brought immense joy to our family and he means everything to us. Even when as a baby, we adored Reyaansh’s each activities. His smiling face with excitement always lighted up our struggling life. At the beginning of  May 2021, Reyaansh began falling sick constantly with body ache, loss of appetite, fever with rising temperature and was affected by severe weakness. So, we took him to our family physician and followed all the suggested treatment plans, but there was no improvement in his health. Therefore, we underwent further blood tests as advised by our doctor, in which it was detected of decreased hemoglobin and platelet counts with increased WBC count. Then, we rushed him to the hospital and thereafter conducting the BMT test, Reyaansh was diagnosed of “Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia” (type of blood cancer), for which the prescribed treatment is costing the hefty amount of Rs. 8,00,000/- approx. We stay at Pune and by profession, earlier I was self-employed in a workshop, but the Covid-19 lockdowns had been very hard on us and I had no option to pay the rent of our workshop. So, I sold out all the machineries to clear my debts and finally winded it up. Then, I started working as a Cab driver for my close friend. Currently my child is hospitalized and I have not been able to gather enough funds to pay for his treatment. Despite borrowing high-interest loans from the bank and contributions from relatives, the amount needed for Reyaansh’s treatment is still a far cry. It disappoints me watching my son in such a deteriorate state of life. As of now my little one is suffering with severe infection and pain during urination. Doctors have informed that the suggested treatment plan without delaying further can only save him from drowning out of life. At this juncture, only your generosity has the power to uplift us from this dire situation. Thus, I plead with you to please save my only child.”




Master Pankaj Vijay Sonawane, 6 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer), certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital in Mumbai. His family monthly income is insufficient and therefore cannot spend Rs. 4 Lakh needed urgently for his

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Master Atrikumar Sanjay Tilekar, 11 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Myeloid Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) and the best form of treatment for his ailment is chemotherapy followed by Bone Marrow Transplantation. His father, Mr. Sanjay Tilekar is a farmer in village in pune and was

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Master Vishnu Kande, 4 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital in Mumbai. His family monthly income is insufficient and therefore cannot spend Rs. 3.5 Lakh needed urg

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