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Jayesh has always been an active kid. He would jump around, climb trees and talk non-stop. He always had something to say and he made sure that people in the house listened to him. Art and craft fascinated him a lot. Whenever he was at home, he would draw or try to craft something out of the old newspapers.
He once made a paper bag and gave it to me. It was so beautiful. Jayesh cheered up everyone. Whenever it was time to eat, he would drag everyone and make them sit together so that everyone could eat as one big family.
However now, he is shuttling between home and hospitals for his treatment. At such a young age, his life has turned completely upside down and we can’t stop fearing for his life. What has he ever done to deserve this fate?
On 11th May 2020, Jayesh complained of high fever. His gums were also bleeding. We had no idea what was happening so we decided to visit the hospital. Numerous tests were conducted and after hours of waiting, the doctors explained the situation to us. When initially the doctor told me that Jayesh was suffering from Aplastic Anaemia, a blood disorder wherein the body stops producing blood in the bone marrow, I was simply confused.
But later when I understood the gravity of the disorder and its life-threatening nature, I was shattered into pieces. From a bubbly and playful child, my Jayesh turned into a sick and unhappy kid, whose miseries had no ends.
The doctors have said that Bone Marrow transplant for Jayesh, could get rid of the disorder once and for all. But it will cost Rs 21 lakh. Due to the abrupt lockdown, my husband lost his job and only means of income. Before he could even try to get his job back in the small shop where he worked, it had to be shut down due to lack of funds and increasing debts.
In this moment of despair we approached CARF and they have readily agreed to help us. Together we urge you to come ahead and donate for my Jayesh as much as you can and give him a new lease of life.




Master Vishnu Kande, 4 years old, is presently suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, (a type of Blood Cancer) certified by doctor and is being treated in a Hospital in Mumbai. His family monthly income is insufficient and therefore cannot spend Rs. 3.5 Lakh needed urg

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